Gopher Geyser:
The Backyard Splash Pad Hidden In Grass

The Gopher Geyser splash pad is great for:

  • Games
  • Groups
  • Good Old Fashioned Fun

Our Customer Reviews

My kids LOVE our Gopher Geyser! I am passionate about getting kids outside, and having a splash in our backyard makes it so easy especially on those hot days! I love not having the hassle of getting my kids ready to go to a splash pad and all the work it takes; I can just send them in the back yard and turn it on, so easy! Since it is in grass, it takes up NO yard space. My husband is particular about our lawn and we've had no issues with the lawn getting too wet, the flow of water is perfect. I highy recommend the Gopher Geyser to anyone who wants to easily get their kids outside playing and moving!

Choose up to 18 Zones

Gopher Geyser works in multiple applications




Frequently asked questions

No, our tests and engineering made it so there is low water flow coming out of each nozzle.

The Gopher Geyser is installed like a sprinkling system, but does not replace any irrigation sprinklers. The Gopher Geyser has its own nozzles and piping to run it separately. It’s made to shoot straight up in the air at random points in the yard for surprising fun.

It is recommended to use fresh water. If you have secondary irrigation water it’s possible to run a hose connection to the Gopher Geyser.

The software in the control board will only allow the Geysers to be on for around 20 minutes. After that it will need to be reset to get it going again.

Yes, the Gopher Geyser can be connected to a smart plug. Most smart plugs allow you to connect your phone, Google Home, or Amazon’s Alexa

The Gopher Geyser is like a cement splash pad just without cement and water circulation. It has 8 or more random spraying Geysers that keep kids engaged and entertained. 

Being in grass it doesn’t take up any yard space, there is no set up (after being installed) and doesn’t take up any storage space. That seems like a win win win to us.